Month: December 2024
WOD July 31, 2014 (Thursday)
Read More: WOD July 31, 2014 (Thursday)Hello everyone!Thursday July 31 is a rest day. You are encouraged to come in and work on your mobility and flexibility. Have a nice night and great job today. Thanks for the intensity and drive.
WOD July 30, 2014 (Wednesday)
Read More: WOD July 30, 2014 (Wednesday)What’s up everyone! Here’s the workout for Wednesday July 30 2014 Tier 110 x 2 Deadlift Pick a challenge weight, use the same weight for all of your work sets and then… AMRAP – 4 Minutes 3 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull (44/30)3 Goblet Squats(rest 1 minute) AMRAP – 4 Minutes 3 Goblet Squats10 Jump…
WOD July 29, 2014 (Tuesday)
Read More: WOD July 29, 2014 (Tuesday)What’s up One World! Here’s the workout for Tuesday July 29, 2014Tier 1, 2 and 3: You have 21 minutes to complete the following:Warm up to 45-55% of your 1rm Bench Press and thenBench Press 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1Push Ups 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 (assisted, strict, or clapping)Here’s an example:10 Bench Press Reps + 1 Push Up (assisted, strict, or clapping)9…
WOD July 28, 2014 (Monday)
Read More: WOD July 28, 2014 (Monday)Here’s the workout for Monday July 28 2014: Tier 1 Back Squat (5 reps @ 60%, 5 reps @ 65%, 5×3 @ 70%) EMOM – 10 Minutes (even) 10 Calorie Row (odd) 4-6 Barbell Thrusters (pick weight) *Complete the following for time: 25 Slam Balls + 500m Run (with ball) Tier 2 Back Squat (5…
Bootcamp July 27, 2014 (Sunday)
Read More: Bootcamp July 27, 2014 (Sunday)Boot Camp Session 12 is in full swing! A little run in the rain on an early Sunday Morning…
Yoga July 27, 2014 (Sunday)
Read More: Yoga July 27, 2014 (Sunday)Hey OneWorlders! Grand Master Yogi Justin is out of town this weekend. Enjoy Sunday with your family! Hydrate, sunscreen, and do goofy stuff! We hit it hard on Monday!
Team WOD July 26, 2014 (Saturday)
Read More: Team WOD July 26, 2014 (Saturday)Good morning all! Sunglasses, hat, and sunblock recommended for todays’ outdoors wod! Enjoy Coach Dru & Coach Smita’s Team WOD! In teams of 2 One KB per team: 1 lap around the building with a band and a kettlebell 35/24 (Each partner must always be holding one end of the band) 80 one arm KB…
A Word about Nutrition
Read More: A Word about NutritionA good amount of you have asked questions about specific supplements ranging from: Fat Loss… Muscle Recovery Pre/Post Workout Muscle Gain Mental Focus General Health Protein Cleansing Allison will stop by the gym again tomorrow, Saturday July 25th to answer more of your questions. She will have products available for you to purchase, as well as products…
Gymnastics July 30, 2014 (Wednesday)
Read More: Gymnastics July 30, 2014 (Wednesday)In crossfit we perform high volume movements during WODs. 100 pull ups for time is likely to cause calluses to rip or create hot spots where the first layers of skin peel off. Taking care of your hands is essential in the prevention of those nasty bloody rips. Back in my competitive days of gymnastics,…
WOD July 25, 2014 (Friday)
Read More: WOD July 25, 2014 (Friday)What’s up Everyone! Here’s the workout for Friday July 25 2014: Tier 13 x 5 Bench Press3 x 10 Push Ups (assisted is ok)3 x 20 Ab Mat Sit Ups1500m Row for time Tier 23 x 5 Bench Press3 x 10 Strict Push Ups (45# plate under feet)3 x 15 Knees to Elbow 2000m Row…
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CrossFit – Mon, Mar 24
CrossFit One World – CrossFit Clean and Jerk (Establish a Heavy 1 Rep Max Clean and Jerk Within 20 Mins) What the Cardio is This!? (Time) For Time 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 DB Goblet Squats Burpee Over DB Overhead DB Sit Ups Rx DB 50/35(1) RX+ DB 70/50(1)
CrossFit – Sun, Mar 23
CrossFit One World – CrossFit Overhead Squat (10 Min E2MOM 6 Rep Overhead Squat @ 60% 1 RM) LVL 2 WaterKick (Time) For Time Buy In and Buy Out 50 Wallball 20/14 (RX + 75 WB 30/20) Then 4 Rounds 9 Box Jump 15 Devils Press 40/20 (RX+ 50/35) 21 Sit Ups (RX+ Toes to…
CrossFit – Sat, Mar 22
CrossFit One World – CrossFit 180106 P Mod (Time) 5 rounds for time of: 400-meter run 20 pull-ups 10 clean and jerks Men: 185 lb. Women: 125 lb. Run is together, remaining work is you go, I go.