Month: December 2024
WOD July 23, 2014 (Wednesday)
Read More: WOD July 23, 2014 (Wednesday)What’s up CF’ers! Here’s the workout for Wednesday July 23: Tier 1-3 Take 12 to 15 minutes to find a heavy deadlift single. Then, start a 10 minute running clock. At 80-85% of your heaviest single, complete 1 deadlift and 12-15 lateral jumps over your bar, every minute for 10 minutes. *Complete the following reps…
WOD July 22, 2014 (Tuesday)
Read More: WOD July 22, 2014 (Tuesday)What’s Up Everyone! Here’s the workout for Tuesday July 22 2014: Tier 13 x 5 Back Squat (challenge weight)6 Minutes – Toes To Bar PracticeComplete the following for time:“Nancy”5 Rounds 400m Run15 Overhead Squats (empty bar) Tier 23 x 5 Back Squat @ 75%6 Minutes – Pull Up PracticeComplete the following for time:“Nancy”5 Rounds400m Run15…
WOD July 21, 2014 (Monday)
Read More: WOD July 21, 2014 (Monday)What’s up guys! Here’s the workout for Monday, July 21 2014 Tier 1 3 Rep Max Press EMOM – 10 Minutes… (even) 200m Sprint (odd) 4-6 Push Press (rack, you pick weight) *As a team of 2, complete: 50 Hang Power Cleans (you pick weight) Use one bar, one person works at a time Tier…
Concept 2 July 26, 2014 (Saturday)
Read More: Concept 2 July 26, 2014 (Saturday)What’s up One Worlders! Take a look at your calendar and make sure you are available on Saturday July 26! A “Concept 2 Rowing Clinic” is coming to CrossFit One World. If you want to get better at pacing yourself, this clinic is for you! If you want to learn more about the Concept 2…
WOD July 18, 2014 (Friday)
Read More: WOD July 18, 2014 (Friday)What’s up guys! Here’s the workout for Friday July 18: Tier 1 3 X 5 Overhead Squat 10 Minutes, Scaled Rope Climb Practice… *Score is total reps, keep a running count Tabata – Jump Rope Singles Tabata – KB High Pulls (pick weight) Tabata – Box Jumps Tier 2 3 x 5 Overhead Squat 10…
What is the difference between Tiers?
Read More: What is the difference between Tiers?What is the difference between tiers and/or why do they vary by person? I think this is a great question and without an answer, I can understand your resistance and confusion. Please take the time to read my beliefs on what each tier means and why it pertains to you. Tier 1 In this tier,…
WOD July 17, 2014 (Thursday)
Read More: WOD July 17, 2014 (Thursday)Hey guys, tomorrow will be a very light day. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t come to the gym, it just means tomorrow will be a good day to work on a skill. Thursday July 17 2014Warm UpNo less than 10 minutes of mobility Adjust the damper setting, one attempt at 6, one attempt at 8,…
WOD July 16, 2014 (Wednesday)
Read More: WOD July 16, 2014 (Wednesday)What’s up One Worlders! Here’s the workout for Wednesday July 16 2014: Tier 1 3 x 5 Push Press 3 x 5 Deadlifts… 5 Min Clock, Practice/Max Effort Handstand Hold *Complete the following for time: 1 Mile Run + 20 Burpees Tier 2 3 x 5 Push Press 3 x 5 Deficit Deadlifts (stand on…
WOD July 15, 2014 (Tuesday)
Read More: WOD July 15, 2014 (Tuesday)What’s up everyone! Here’s the workout for tomorrow, Tuesday July 15, 2014: Tier 1 5 x 3 Hang Power Snatch 5 x 5 Sumo DL High Pull *As a team of 2, complete the following for time: – 50 Ring Rows (while partner hangs from bar) – 50 Back Squats (while partner holds the bottom…
WOD July 14, 2014 (Monday)
Read More: WOD July 14, 2014 (Monday)What’s up everybody! Here’s the workout for tomorrow, Monday July 14, 2014: Tier 1 3 Rep Max Bench Press EMOM – 10 Minutes… (even) 8-10 Knee Push Ups (odd) 8-10 Ab Mat Sit Ups *Karen – 150 Wall Balls (pick weight) Tier 2 3 Rep Max Bench Press EMOM – 10 Minutes (even) 10-12…
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CrossFit – Sat, Mar 22
CrossFit One World – CrossFit Metcon (Time) 180106 Mod 5 rounds for time of: 400-meter run 20 pull-ups 10 clean and jerks Men: 185 lb. Women: 125 lb. Run is together, remaining work is you go, I go.
CrossFit – Fri, Mar 21
CrossFit One World – CrossFit Max Height Box Jump (Distance) Max Height Box Jump5 Rounds of 90 Sec 2-3 Rep Increase inches and round progress Front Squat (5 Rounds of 90 Sec 4 Front Squat @ 60% 1 RM Add 5 Pounds Every Set) Cindy Track Star (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 20 Min AMRAP…
CrossFit – Fri, Mar 21
CrossFit One World – CrossFit Max Height Box Jump (Distance) Max Height Box Jump5 Rounds of 90 Sec 2-3 Rep Increase inches and round progress Front Squat (5 Rounds of 90 Sec 4 Front Squat @ 60% 1 RM Add 5 Pounds Every Set) Cindy Track Star (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 20 Min AMRAP…