Month: September 2024

  • Bootcamp Barbell Club November 18, 2014 (Tuesday)

    Hey Bootcampers! Here’s a quick recap of today’s 5:30am “Boot Camp Barbell Club” The focus for all participants was to find a 1 rep max back squat and a 1 rep max strict shoulder press. The purpose is to find your current level of strength and to use the information to properly build up to…

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  • Bootcamp Barbell November 18, 2014 (Tuesday)

    What’s up Boot Campers!Tomorrow is the very first day of the “Boot Camp Barbell Club” and to the people that have registered, I want you to know…you’ve made a great decision!The Morning class starts at 5:30am sharp!The evening class starts at 6:00pm sharp!The night class starts at 8:00pm sharp!The “Boot Camp Barbell Club” is for…

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  • WOD November 18, 2014 (Tuesday)

    Establish a 3 rep max “strict press” and then… 21-15-9 Push Press Toes to Bar Calorie Row (135/95) (115/75) (95/65)

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  • WOD November 16, 2014 (Monday)

    Take 21 minutes to establish a One Rep Max Deadlift and then… @ 70% of your 1rm deadlift, complete the following: AMRAP – 9 Minutes5 Deadlifts10 Plate Thrusters (45/25) 5 Box Jumps (24/20)

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  • TEAM WOD November 15, 2014 (Saturday)

    Hey everyone I’ll be coaching the 9am CrossFit class this Saturday and I’d like to encourage all of you to bring a friend or family member to join you for the “not so pleasant” workout. I’m sure many of you have noticed that the workout for Saturday has not been added to the whiteboard, this…

    Read More: TEAM WOD November 15, 2014 (Saturday)
  • WOD November 14, 2014 (Friday)

    Back Squat 3×5@75% 2×2@80% 2×2@85% 3×1@90% and then… 100m “Sprint” Row x16 (20 second rest between each sprint) Score is the slowest sprint

    Read More: WOD November 14, 2014 (Friday)
  • Boot Camp November 2014

    The next Boot Camp  session starts Tuesday November 18th (strength training) and Wednesday November 19 (conditioning). Check the One World Schedule for class times.

    Read More: Boot Camp November 2014
  • WOD November 13, 2014 (Thursday)

    EMOM 15 MinutesMinute One – 10 Pull UpsMinute Two – 20 Hollow RocksMinute Three – 10 DB Strict Press And then… Complete 2 rounds for time:200m Run 20 KB Swings (70/53) (53/35) (44/26)20 Burpees 50 Double Unders (15 minute cap)

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  • NORCAL Powerlifting Nation Championships

    Congratulations to Christina Winfrey-Campbell for her 1st place finish in 2014 NorCal Powerlifting National Championships!  Christina’s hard work and dedication paved the way to her ultimate success! 

    Read More: NORCAL Powerlifting Nation Championships
  • WOD November 12, 2014 (Wednesday)

    Back Squat3×5 @ 75% of 1rm back squat2×2 @ 80% of 1rm back squat2×2 @ 85% of 1rm back squat3×1 @ 90% of 1rm back squat and then… Complete for time: 25 Power Cleans100 Jumping Lunges25 Power Cleans 135/95, 115/75, 95/65 *20 Minute Cap*

    Read More: WOD November 12, 2014 (Wednesday)


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  • CrossFit – Thu, Sep 19

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