Month: August 2024

  • WOD October 28, 2014 (Tuesday)

    Push Press 5/5/5/5/5Start at 65%, add 10-20# each set. Strict Ring Rows10/10/10 (set your feet as low as possible)Sit Ups10/10/10 (use a plate 25/15 or GHD) Complete for time, 21-15-9Power SnatchBox Jumps (135/95) (115/75) (95/65)

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  • WOD October 27, 2014 (Monday)

    Back Squat 3×5 @ 70% of 1rm back squat2×2 @ 75% of 1rm back squat2×2 @ 80% of 1rm back squat3×1 @ 85% of 1rm back squat AMRAP – 15 Minutes7 Back Squats (95/65) (75/55) (45/35)7 Barbell Lunges5-10-15-20 Shuttle Sprints

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  • Yoga: Exist In The Moment

    Today’s yoga life lesson: “Let go of desire and seek just to exist in moment.” Then this picture happened. Peace, smiles, and  to all this gorgeous Sunday! Namaste

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  • Norcal Powerlifting National Championships 2014

    Hey Oneworlders! Big shout out to Christina Winfrey Campbell. She will be competing in NorCal Powerlifting National Championships on Sunday November 9 starting at 9am. The venue will be at the Crowne Plaza – 45 John Glenn Drive, Concord, CA 94520.  Rock it Christina!

    Read More: Norcal Powerlifting National Championships 2014
  • Masters Functional Fitness League Champion!

    Big congratulations to Diane Urban for winning the Masters Functional Fitness League for her division! Diane has worked hard to achieve this outstanding accomplishment! 

    Read More: Masters Functional Fitness League Champion!
  • Holloween Is Around The Corner!

    Hey Oneworlders! Here’s the deal! Halloween is Friday October 31, CrossFitters and Boot Campers are highly encouraged to attend all classes with your costume on! You are also encouraged to bring goodies and candy and set it up in the lobby area. Please bring your cameras, halloween music, finger foods, drinks……etc etc etc etc. One…

    Read More: Holloween Is Around The Corner!
  • Yoga: A Busniessman

    Hope you are enjoying your weekend! -Justin “A businessman never has time for himself: no time to enjoy, no time to meditate, no time to love. Are you also busy? Then you are a businessman. Or have you got some time to waste, to meditate, just to be in the here and now, sing and…

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  • WOD October 25, 2014 (Saturday)

    100 Calorie row Buy-in 100 Burpees 100 Calorie row Buy-out GHD sit-up 4×10 Barbell row 4×10 Back Extention 4×10 Hollow Rocks 4×10

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  • WOD October 24, 2014 (Friday)

    Power Clean 3×3@70% 3×2@75% 3×1@80% For time: Complete 5 rounds 200m Run 10 Overhead Squats 20 Lateral Jumps (135/95) (115/75) Pick Weight

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  • WOD October 23, 2014 (Thursday)

    Bench Press 5/5/3/3/1 *Start @65% of your 1 rep max. Add 10-20lbs each set. EMOM -21 Minutes Minute 1- 10 Pull Ups or 5 Muscle Ups Minute 2 -15 Barbell Thrusters Minute 3 -20 Calorie Row (45/35) Rotate/Stagger Start stations, if the class is full. The score will be taken by the total amount of…

    Read More: WOD October 23, 2014 (Thursday)


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