Month: August 2024

  • WOD November 6, 2014 (Thursday)

    As a team of 2, complete the following: AMRAP – 26 Minutes50 Calorie Row25 Power Snatch (135/95) (115/75) (95/65)50 Box Jumps (24/20)25 Push Ups One person works at a time and you must complete one movement before you move to the next. As a team, your score is the total amount of rounds + reps…

    Read More: WOD November 6, 2014 (Thursday)
  • epic2014

    2014 Epic Team Race Update

    October 8, 2014 Epic Team Race Update Currently has 15 participants signed up and ready to go. We are Team One World please text/email me for a discount code and more information. Tayna Stevenson posted – We have a discount code so instead of the normal entry fee of $65 you’ll save money. It’s at San…

    Read More: 2014 Epic Team Race Update
  • WOD November 5, 2014 (Wednesday)

    Back Squat3×5 @ 75% of 1rm back squat2×2 @ 80% of 1rm back squat2×2 @ 85% of 1rm back squat3×1 @ 90% of 1rm back squat(notice the percentages are up 5%) and then… Complete 21-15-9 reps for time, of: Goblet Squats (70/53) (53/35) (44/26)Deadlifts @ 70% of your 1 rep max deadlift Post your time…

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  • WOD November 4, 2014 (Tuesday)

    EMOM 14 Minutes (Minute 1) 5 Strict Press @ 70% of your 1rm press(Minute 2) 5 Strict Pull Ups AMRAP 8 Minutes25 Double Unders15 KB Swings(70/53) (53/35) (44/26) For time: 1,000m Plate Run(45/25)

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  • WOD November 3, 2014 (Monday)

    Back Squat3×5 @ 75% of 1rm back squat2×2 @ 80% of 1rm back squat2×2 @ 85% of 1rm back squat3×1 @ 90% of 1rm back squat(notice the percentages are up 5%) and then… Complete 3 rounds for time, of: 15 Cleans (full cleans)35 Jumping Lunges5 Burpees 155/115, 135/95, 115/75

    Read More: WOD November 3, 2014 (Monday)
  • battle_2014

    The Battle Series 2014

    From Cindy Horton, CS Salem: Hello fellow CrossFitters! I am a member at CrossFit Salem (CFS) in Oregon. We are spreading the word about an organization near and dear to our hearts- the Everyday Warrior (EW) foundation and its first fundraising event The Battle Series. Its founder Brittany Gill, a trainer at CFS, was diagnosed…

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  • WOD November 1, 2014 (Saturday)

    Teams of 4-6 1 Mile Prowler Push Pick a legitimate challenging weight!! 

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  • JigSaw Throw down (November 1, 2014)

    From Lyn Coronado -Spots will fill up fast! The 2nd Annual Jigsaw Throw Down is scheduled for Nov. 1st, check out the flyer for details and get registered now. From Dal at JigSaw: “It will be just like last year simple movements but challenging partner workouts. I still need help with volunteers and judges, it was…

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  • WOD October 31, 2014 (Friday)

    Happy Holloween!  Warm UpMobilityStrategy and Demonstration And then… Complete the following for time: 1 Mile Run 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1BurpeesToes to Bar Power Cleans (155/115) (135/95) (95/65) Happy Halloween everyone. Please try to make it to the evening classes between the hours of 4pm and 6pm. Let’s take as many fun pictures as possible. Bring snacks, drinks, and…

    Read More: WOD October 31, 2014 (Friday)
  • WOD October 30, 2014 (Thursday)

    Teams of 2… 10,000 Meter Row Partner A – RowPartner B – Complete 50 Air Squats and 25 Sit Ups Rotate spots after one partner has completed 50 Air Squats and 25 Sit Ups. Modify the numbers according to the team

    Read More: WOD October 30, 2014 (Thursday)


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