What’s up everyone! I’m posting tomorrow’s workout early. My focus is to see if it will help you better prepare yourself. Lately I’ve posted the workouts between 9 and 9:45pm, I know most of you are paying more attention to your family by then, so don’t have much time to get your workout plan/gear together for the next day.
Here’s the workout for Friday, August 8 2014:
Start at 60% of your 1 rep max Power Clean. Complete 2 power cleans every minute, for twelve minutes. You will add 10 to 20 pounds, every three minutes. Here’s an example:
Start @ 60%
Minute 1 = 2 power cleans
Minute 2 = 2 power cleans
Minute 3 = 2 power cleans
(add 10 to 20 pounds)
Minute 4 = 2 power cleans
Minute 5 = 2 power cleans
Minute 6 = 2 power cleans
(add 10 to 20 pounds)
3 x 10 Barbell Glute Bridges
(you pick the challenge weight)
*Teams of 2, complete the following 10 rounds for time:
7 Burpees (per person)
100 Meter Barbell Carry (155#, 135#, 115#, 95#)