WOD September 8, 2016 (Thursday)

Tabata Burpee to a 45 plate, rx + use two 45 plates stacked on top of one another , score is going to be your lowest round of burpees
Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1
notes: work up to a heavy single deadlift. Start with a light weight and make sure to have an appropriate setup as you address the bar. A proper setup includes the bar over your mid foot at the start of each rep, shoulders starting over and slightly in front of the bar, and most importantly a flat back throughout the lift. Try to lift the bar in a vertical line because this shortens the distance the weight travels from floor to top of the lift and keeps the weight over your feet. Be sure to maintain these good mechanics as you progress through each single at increasingly heavier weight

AMRAP 16 Mins
3 Power Cleans 205/145 rx
15 toes to bar
30 Walking lunge steps

Workout notes: The suggested load on the barbell is in the heavier range. You can use this opportunity to attempt a load that is slightly above the 60% range of 1 rm Power Clean or a little bit more than what you might normally use in a workout. The rep count for the cleans is low during each round which gives you some recovery between sets allowing for a slightly heavier loading. Large sets of toe-to-bar are another difficult skill so plan on breaking them up into small chunks to get through each round. Lastly, the lunges are bodyweight so don’t get crazy and try to do lunges with the barbell


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