WOD September 6, 2017 (Wednesday)

Skill Work: Ring Dips
Tabata Strict Ring Dip or dip
For beginner look to use the dip rig attachment

Weightlifting: Split Jerk
E2MOM 14 Mins 3 Split Jerks at 85-90% of push press. Work at 85-90% of your best push press.

The split jerk is considered by many as the single hardest movement in weighlifting as it has many moving parts with heavy loads. DRIVE that front foot as far as you can here to ensure that you do not lose your balance forward, we want to push ourselves actively under the barbell.

WOD: (2 Rounds for Time)

  • 25 Toes to Bar
  • 20 Hand Release Push Ups
  • 15 Power Snatch 95/65
  • Rx+ 115/85 cap: 16 mins


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