WOD September 26, 2017 (Tuesday)

Skill Work: Weighted Pull-ups
EMOM 6 MINS 3 weighted pull ups w/ pause at top of pull up


Weightlifting: Romanian Deadlift

Romanian Deadlift : This exercise is a new deadlift variation used to strengthen solely the hamstring tendon, it first involves bring the bar to the hip and with a slight bend in the knee bring the barbell down as low as you can with neutral back and bring it back up, you will feel this stretch in your hamstring, if you do not you might be bending your knee too much. For all 6 reps you will not return the back back to the ground you will keep constant tension on your hamstring.

video demo: https://youtu.be/2SHsk9AzdjA?t=24s


WOD: 6 rounds for time of

50M uneven farmer carry (25 meters and back) : – M:32/24, F:24/16 kg
30 Air Squats
50M uneven farmer carry
15 Push-ups




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