Skill Work: Handstand Push-ups
EMOM 6 mins straight set of HSPU. We will work on your HSPU here, either against the wall or free standing if you are more advanced, look to maintain a number you can maintain for all 6 mins.
Weightlifting: Back Squat
E2MOM 14 mins 4 back squats FROM THE FLOOR
Today we will challenge ourselves are remove the barbell rack and EITHER clean and jerk or snatch the weight onto your back for the 4 back squat repetitions. you can choose the weight here as it will depend on your ability to get barbell onto your back. learning to rack the bar from overhead onto your trapezoids is a skill that everyone can always use more practice!
WOD: (For Time)
Three rounds For time:
- 10 deadlifts at 225/155
- 20 toes to bar
- 30 Calorie Row
- 40 Double Unders
rx+: 100 double unders per round
I am challenging those with proficient double unders to go Rx+ at do 100 each round.