WOD September 21, 2016 (Wednesday)

Tabata Bar Muscle Ups OR ring muscle ups for those of you who have them, if you can’t get those BMUs yet go ahead and do either Chest to bar pullups or regular kipping Pus combined or you can use a box to work on it.

Strict Press 3-3-3-3-3

Take some time today to work up a strong effort set of three on the strict press

For time: Time cap-18 mins
50-40-30-20-10 Wall Ball shots 20/14
25-20-15-10-5 Toes to Bar

Notes: Today we have a 5 round workout of wall ball shots and toe-to-bar! This workout has a high volume of wall ball shots so make sure you shoot to a target you can consistently hit. If you are new to toe-to-bar start by learning the kipping swing and bringing your knees up to your chest. Protect your hands and make sure that you don’t tear. If you feel like your grip is giving way switch to some form of sit-up.


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