Skill Work: Tabata Burpee
Your score will be you smallest set.
Burpees are a big skill to have in crossfit and you ability to cycle through them with speed will help you alot in the long run!
Weightlifting: Back Squat
EMOM 10 Mins 4 back squats at 60%
This will be a burner, look to complete these reps fast to recover for the next set.
WOD: (For Time)
50-40-30-20-10 Medicine Ball Situps 20/14
25-20-15-10-5 Medicine ball Cleans 20/14**
**100 meter run WITH the medicine ball after every round
Rx+: 30/20
Cap: 20 mins
You are tasked with hanging on to your medicine ball for each movement. The sit-ups and cleans have a specific movement pattern we are looking for, but during the carry you are free to hold the ball however you would like. Not getting a break from working with the med ball can be mentally challenging but the key is to keep working at a continuous pace. This workout falls into a longer time domain so going all out on that first round may not be smart. Most athletes will consider this a high volume of all three movements so consider that when deciding how you will scale this workout. One option is to perform all of the movements at a lighter med ball weight