WOD October 4, 2018 (Thursday)

This week we start our “Double Metcon Thursday” series for this cycle. The goal is to build endurance week over week. This may be one of the more challenging days of the week. Scale as needed.

Metcon 1:
16 Min EMOM
1- Assault Bike10/12 or Row 12/15 Cal
2- 20 KB Swing 35/53
3 – 100M Farmer Carry (mixed weight)
4 – Rest

Metcon 2:
21 Power Cleans 75/115
200 M Run
18 S2OH
200 M Run
15 Power Clean and Jerk
200 M Run
12 Thrusters
200 M Run
9 Clusters
200 M Run
20 min cap
RX+ 95/135


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