Skill Work: Weighted Pull-ups
EMOM 6 Mins Establish a 2 rep max weighted pull up.
Weightlifting: Snatch Grip Deadlift
E3MOM 12 Mins, go for a 3 RM Snatch grip deadlift from the floor, make to reset on each rep touch and go will not be an effective way to keep your back tight on these, so really squeeze your Lats and upper back rise off the ground with a nice neutral spine!
WOD: (AMRAP – Reps) With a running clock set for 15 minutes. Start at any station but you must complete all 3 stations!
Station A:
5 Minutes of clean and jerks at 165/115 rx+: 185/135 *POWER CNJs OKAY
Station B:
5 Minutes of
30 double unders
15 Two arm dumbbell front squats 50/35 lb
Station C:
5 Minutes of AB Mat Sit ups with a 45/25 LB plate
*score will be total reps/ rounds across all stations , score for double under/ fs workout will be the nearest whole round