Skill Work: EMOM 6 minutes of T2B + C2B + BMU Complex. Complete (2) two of the following complex:
1 toes to bar 1 chest to bar 1 bar MU all in succession without coming off the bar. Go for a unbroken max set of the complex!
Weightlifting: E2MOM 12 Mins of 1 Push Press + 1 Split Jerk
Establish a MAX for the complex of 1 push press + 1 split jerk start at working weight from last week. Record your heaviest weight for the complex. Look to keep and UPRIGHT torso during the dip and drive for both the push press and the clean and jerk.
Watch this video on important jerk ques:
WOD: (ForTime) – Cap 15 minutes
- Toes To Bar/ sub for knees to elbow if needed
- Push ups
- Jumping lunges
This workout is all about consistency in the toes to bar/pushups a total of 84 reps here. Break them up early and often stick to a set count for every round.