WOD November 24, 2016 (Thursday)

Happy Thanksgiving!

“The 12 Days of One World Thanks Giving Edition”
Do 1, then do 1 and 2, then do 1, 2, and 3, then do 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, etc.

For Time with a 40 minute cap:
1 Rope climb
2 Overhead squats (M:135#/W:95#)
3 Bar or ring muscle-ups. Sub for chest to bar pull ups, or 6 close grip pushups
4 Burpee box jumps (M:24″/W:20″)
5 Shoulder to overhead (M:135#/W:95)
6 Back squats (M:135#/W:95#) No rack
7 Deadlifts (M:135#/W:95#)
8 Toes to bar
9 Ball slams (25# or more)
10 Kettle bell snatch (alternating 5 each arm)(24/16kg)
11 Pull-ups
12 Lateral jump air squats


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