Weightlifting: Snatch + OHS 6 x E2MOM
2 Snatch + 3 OHS
*starting @ 60%
*if possible add weight each round
50M Cross Carry
20 Goblet Squats 35/50
10 Dips
Weightlifting: Snatch + OHS 6 x E2MOM
2 Snatch + 3 OHS
*starting @ 60%
*if possible add weight each round
50M Cross Carry
20 Goblet Squats 35/50
10 Dips
CrossFit One World – CrossFit Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 180112 Mod Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 20 medicine-ball cleans 60 double-unders Men: 20-lb. ball Women: 14-lb. ball You go, I go. One partner rests while the other works.
CrossFit One World – CrossFit Announcement Waiting for 25.3 Open Workout
CrossFit One World – CrossFit Rope Climb 5 Rounds Of 90 Sec 2 Rope Climbs Progression 5 Knees to Elbow 3 Rope with 5 Sec Hold 8 Min Rope Practice Knees To Elbow Push Press (5 Rounds of 90 Sec 5 Push Press @ 55% 1 RM Add 5 Pounds Every Set) Metcon (Time) 5…