WOD March 24, 2020 (Tuesdsay)

Home Workout

10 Push Ups
20 Jumping Squats
30 Atl Jumping Lunges
20 Jumping Squats
10 Push Ups
100 DU OR Scale to 1 Run Around the Block

*If you’d like to spice it up a bit, complete workout with a weight vest of some sort – i.e. traditional weight vest, backpack, toddler etc.


WOD: Alternating Tabata
:20 Hollow Rocks
:10 Rest
:20 Super Man Hold
:10 Rest

Not a Warmup, but more of a cool down.

10 Min of mobility

During these home workouts take some time to stretch out after and work on your mobility. Some ideas are:
Sun Salutations (touch toes, inchworm out, dive bomber, lunge, jump forward, repeat and lunge on alternating leg)
Straddle stretches
*watch @mrqaydinh’s insta for some ideas


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