Gym Workout
16 Min EMOM
ODD: 5 T2B
Even: 10 Hang Power Snatch 65/95
*If possible add 1 rep to each segment each round. i.e round 1=5 T2B and 10 Hang Power Snatch, round 2= 6 T2B and 11 Hang Power Snatch
16 WB 14/20
12 Burpee Box Jump Overs
8 WB Front Squats
*Goal is to go unbroken on all movements
*If you wish to complete the workout with burpees we suggest bringing two towels or yoga mats to place on the ground. This is due to precautions for COVID-19
*COVID-19 modification is: 1 air squat + 1 burpee on box + jump over = 1 rep
Home Workout
16 Min EMOM
Odd: 10 V-Ups
Even: 10 Pike Push Ups
16 Weighted Squats
12 Burpees Over Object
8 Front Squats with Object