WOD June 7, 2018 (Thursday)

Skill Work: Tabata Hollow Rock – then Tabata Superman

Weightlifting: Romanian Deadlift
E2MOM 14 minutes of 5 RDLS at 40-45% of your 1 rep max Deadlift

WOD: AMRAP in 20 Minutes

  • 50 Calorie Row
  • 35 Wall ball shots 20/14 lb 10/9′ rx+ 30/30 lbs
  • 20 Power Clean 135/95 lb

Today’s workout is a long duration metcon with a body weight movement and two weighted movements. We’re looking at a potentially high volume of reps of all three movements so break them up early and often. Do your best to keep your rest periods short and consistent throughout the workout. In a long workout like this it usually doesn’t pay off to go out too hard in the first round. Pace yourself and try to keep the same splits for twenty minutes.


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