WOD June 5, 2018 (Tuesday)

Skill Work: Tabata L-Sit Pull-ups

Weightlifting: Power Snatch + OHS (EMOM 10 mins 1 Power Snatch + 1 OHS at 70%). We are going to work at 65-70% of our best Snatch for this EMOM, 1 Power Snatch + 1 Over Head Squat

WOD: For time, CAP 21 minutes.

With a running clock complete:

15-12-9 reps of

  • 95-lb. thrusters
  • Pull-ups
  • REST 3 minutes


12-9-6 reps of

  • 95-lb. thrusters
  • Pull-ups
  • REST 2 minutes


9-6-3 reps for time of:

95-lb. thrusters

This workout is all about maintaining relative intensity across each set of thruster/pull ups. In this workout, you will need to look at the clock immediately after finishing one of the blocks and add the appropriate rest period, and continue with the descending rep scheme.


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