WOD June 4, 2020 (Thursday)


Strength: Tempo Tricep Dips using Box or Chair
2 Tabatas 20/10 (8 min)
2 sec. down,1 sec hold @bottom,2 sec. up

WOD: AMRAP in 21 minutes
7 Burpees
11 Push-Ups
22 Kettlebell Swings (54/35 lb)
Buy-in: 65 Sit-Ups

On a 21-minute clock, as many rounds and repetitions as possible (AMRAP) perform the prescribed work in the order written.

Score is number of rounds and reps completed (including sit-ups) in 21 minutes.
(SUB Heavy Home Object for Kettlebell)

Background: This workout was originally posted on marinewod.com on April 9, 2017 and shared with WODwell by George’s sister, Jolene Taylor


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