WOD June 14, 2016 (Tuesday)


Teams of 2, Complete in any Order

For Time:

 50 Hammer Slams (Total)

 800M Relay Run With Hammer (Relay Can be Partitioned into Any Distance the Team Choses As Long as Each Team Member Completes 400M)

40 GHD Sit Ups with Hammer Held at the Chest, not at the Waist and Need only to go to Parallel. *20 Reps per Athlete. If not enough GHDs, sub 80 ABMAT Sit-ups with the Hammer held at the Chest.

100 Jumping Jacks with Hammer (50 Per Athlete). The Hammer must go over Athlete’s head on the Jacks. Hammer Can be held in any over-head type position. 


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