WOD July 30, 2018 (Monday)

Skill Work: Dumbbell Snatches
30 Alternating dumbbell snatches for time – 50/35 LBS

Weightlifting: Clean and Jerk

E3MOM 15 minutes of CNJ 1-1-1-1-1
Today we’re going heavy and working up to a strong effort Clean and Jerk. If you are new to the lift start by catching the bar in the power position and slowly riding the bar down into the bottom of your squat. Start with your feet beneath your hips as you pull from the floor and widen your stance to shoulder width as you receive the bar and descend into your squat. recover between each attempt based on your ability but try to make attempts within two to three minutes of each other and add weight as you are comfortable.

WOD: 5 Rounds For Time  –  CAP 14 minutes

  • 30 Double Unders
  • 3 Hang Power Clean rx: 135/95  ** rx+ 165/115#
  • 1 Push Jerk rx: 135/95  ** rx+ 165/115#


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