What’s up One World! Here’s the workout for Tuesday July 29, 2014
Tier 1, 2 and 3: You have 21 minutes to complete the following:
Warm up to 45-55% of your 1rm Bench Press and then
Bench Press 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Push Ups 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 (assisted, strict, or clapping)
Here’s an example:
10 Bench Press Reps + 1 Push Up (assisted, strict, or clapping)
9 Bench Press Reps + 2 Push Ups (assisted, strict, or clapping)
8 Bench Press Reps + 3 Push Ups (assisted, strict, or clapping)
7 Bench Press Reps + 4 Push Ups (assisted, strict, or clapping)
*You will always complete 11 reps per set, until you get to 1 Bench Press Rep + 10 Push Ups (assisted, strict, or clapping)
Once your bench press reps are done, come together as teams of 6-8 and complete:
“60 Tire Flips for time”
You are allowed to rotate partners with each tire flip. The goal is to constantly keep the tire moving. While one set of partners are flipping one side of the tire, the other set of partners should be getting in the proper position to get under the tire as soon as it lands.

WOD July 29, 2014 (Tuesday)
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