WOD July 28, 2014 (Monday)

Here’s the workout for Monday July 28 2014:

Tier 1
Back Squat
(5 reps @ 60%, 5 reps @ 65%, 5×3 @ 70%)
EMOM – 10 Minutes
(even) 10 Calorie Row
(odd) 4-6 Barbell Thrusters (pick weight)
*Complete the following for time:
25 Slam Balls + 500m Run (with ball)

Tier 2
Back Squat
(5 reps @ 60%, 5 reps @ 65%, 5×3 @70%)
EMOM – 10 Minutes
(even) 15 Calorie Row
(odd) 6-8 Barbell Thrusters (95/65)
*Complete the following for time:
25 Plate Burpees + 500m Run (with plate, 25/15)

Tier 3
Back Squat
(5 reps @ 60%, 5 reps @ 65%, 5×3 @70%)
EMOM – 10 Minutes
(even) 20 Calorie row
(odd) 8-10 Barbell Thrusters (135/95)
*Complete the following for time:
25 Plate Burpees + 50 Double Unders + 500m Run (with plate, 45/25)


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