WOD July 21, 2014 (Monday)

What’s up guys! Here’s the workout for Monday, July 21 2014

Tier 1
3 Rep Max Press
EMOM – 10 Minutes
(even) 200m Sprint
(odd) 4-6 Push Press (rack, you pick weight)
*As a team of 2, complete:
50 Hang Power Cleans (you pick weight)
Use one bar, one person works at a time

Tier 2
3 Rep Max Press
EMOM – 10 Minutes
(even) 200m Sprint
(odd) 6-8 Push Press (115/75, rack)
*Complete the following for time:
30 Power Cleans (115/75)

Tier 3
3 Rep Max Press
EMOM – 10 Minutes
(even) 200m Sprint
(odd) 8-10 Push Press (135/95, rack)
*Complete the following for time:
30 Power Cleans (135/95)

A lot of you spend an extra 10 to 15 minutes on your 6-pack after class, I’d like to see all of you add shoulder mobility to your “post class menu”…I promise you that the results will be more than plentiful for you.


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