WOD July 15, 2014 (Tuesday)

What’s up everyone! Here’s the workout for tomorrow, Tuesday July 15, 2014:

Tier 1
5 x 3 Hang Power Snatch
5 x 5 Sumo DL High Pull

*As a team of 2, complete the following for time:
– 50 Ring Rows (while partner hangs from bar)
– 50 Back Squats (while partner holds the bottom of an air squat)
– 1600 Meter Row (while partner holds a plank position)
In this tier, you will use a rack for the squats and pick your team weight

Tier 2
5 x 3 Hang Snatch
5 x 5 Dumbbell Row

*As a team of 2, complete the following for time:
– 50 Pull Ups (while partner hangs from bar)
– 50 Back Squats (while partner holds the bottom of an air squat)
– 2000 Meter Row (while partner holds a plank position)
In this tier, no rack is allowed for the squats. Squat weight is 135/95

Tier 3
5 x 3 Snatch (full snatch)
5 x 5 Barbell Row

*As a team of 2, complete the following for time:
– 50 Chest to Bar Pull Ups (while partner hangs from bar)
– 50 Back Squats (while partner holds the bottom of an air squat)
– 2000 Meter Row (while partner holds a plank position)
In this tier, no rack is allowed for the squats. Squat weight is 185/125

I’d like for you to do your best to hold each other accountable during the team wod. Do not count your reps if your partner IS NOT in their proper position. As always with any team wod, communication will be the difference in finishing 1st or finishing 10th, 17, or last. Have fun!


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