SKILL WORK: Tabata Hollow Body/Superman
Tabata Hollow Body then
Tabata Super Man
E2MOM 16 Mins, Work up to a new 1RM / heavy single
Spend some time working up to a strong effort Clean & Jerk. The squat clean & split jerk is usually the most effective method for moving big weights so unless you have a mobility issue you should be working on the mechanics of those movements. Everyone should start with a very light warmup and increase gradually. New lifters should only increase weight when you are able to consistently repeat the same technique
WOD: AMRAP 15 minutes- Rounds and Reps
- 200 meter run
- 10 burpees,
- 10 kettle bell deadlifts
Male: 32kg each hand
Female: 24 KG each hand
NOTE: for the kb deadlifts make sure you lockout your hips fully at the top and try to retract your shoulders during the movement.