WOD January 24, 2018 (Wednesday)

30 Wall Balls for time
Rx 20/14, Rx+ 30/20

Weightlifting: Deadlift
E3MOM 12 minutes, 2 DL start at 80% -GO FOR 2 RM!

WOD: 2 Part Metcon:
A: AMRAP 5 minutes
30 double unders
10 Toes to bar

*Rest 1 minute. Then start part B*

B: 18.0
For time:
Alternating D.B Snatch 50/35 lbs
Lateral Burpee Over Dumbell
Now you must change hand while the dumbbell is below eye level to make it count.
As always both sides of the dumbbell have to touch the floor before going up again.


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