Weighted Pull-ups: 1-1-1-1-1
EMOM: 10 Minutes
2 Paused Back squat with 1 second hold at the bottom.
*Increase weight with each attempt if possible
AMRAP: 18 Minutes:
Minute 1: 1 Wallball 14/20# + 1 KB swing (American) 24/32 kg
Minute 2: 2 Wallball + 2 KB swing
Minute 3: 3 Wallball + 3 KB swing
Minute 4: 4 Wallball + 4 KB swing
Minute 5: 5 Wallball + 5 KB swing
*If you do not get passed the ninth round you will have to complete 25 burpees to a 6 inch target.
*Scoring will be the amount of rounds you get. If you finish the 10th minute, your score will be 10 rounds.