Skill Work: Double Unders
EMOM 6 minutes
30 double unders + 3 strict pull ups -sub for ring rows for pull ups
Weightlifting: Deadlift
E2MOM 16 minutes 2 DL and rope climbs
Odd minute: 2 DL at 80% of 1 rm
Even minute: 1 rope climb
“Death by Thrusters”
EMOM 20 minutes:
Odd minute: 10 thrusters on 95/65
Even minute: 10 pull ups
rx+ 115/75, CHEST TO BAR Pull ups
*score is how many rounds out of 20 you get through
for example: if you get through the 14th minute but only get 5 thrusters by the end of minute 15 your score is 14+5