Skills: Tabata Wall Facing Squats
Weightlifting: Front Squat
Front Squat 1 rep max E3MOM 12 MINS, start at 85%
With the front squat we want to focus on keeping the elbows up and chest as upright as possible. As with any kind of squatting you’ll want to practice keeping your knees out and tracking over your feet. Remember to release the grip on the bar a bit in the front squat and load the bar onto your torso which should help you keep your elbows and chest up. If you have a mobility problem holding you back from keeping your elbows up you can always try crossing your arms across the bar or modifying that in some way
WOD For Time of 8 to 1 sets of (Cap 20 Minutes) :
- hang power snatch 95/65 **
- over head squat 95/65 **
**rx+ 115/85
(Example: 8 Hang Power Snatch, 8 Overhead Squats; 7 Hang Power Snatch, 7 Overhead Squats…)
Today’s workout is a classic CrossFit combination of movements that compliment each other in this format. Combined in a task priority workout where your rep counts drop in each round you should try to maintain a high intensity level as you become more fatigued.
Remember to rest prior to each of your last set of hang power snatch so you don’t have to complete an extra rep before starting those over head squats!