WOD August 26, 2014 (Tuesday)

Focus on some shoulder mobility tonight. Most of you have the tools and the knowhow, to help yourself after today’s WOD or while you’re at home tonight. I’m posting tomorrow’s workout early, so you’ll have an idea of what to prepare for.

Here’s the workout for Tuesday August 26 2014:

Tier 1, 2, and 3

Hang Power Snatch – 4@ 60%, 3@ 70%, 3@ 75%, 2@ 80%, 2×1@ 82 – 85%
3 x 3 Drop Snatch (add 5 to 10 pounds per set)
3 x 3 Sotts Press (add 5 to 10 pounds per set)
3 x 3 Weighted Good Mornings (same weight for each set)

Complete the following descending ladder for time:

21 KB Snatches and 21 Jumping Pull-ups
18 KB Snatches and 18 Jumping Pull-ups
15 KB Snatches and 15 Jumping Pull-ups
12 KB Snatches and 12 Jumping Pull-ups
9 and 9
6 and 6
3 and 3

Score is time or amount of reps completed.

Pick a weight that you are comfortable learning/working with. If the kettlebell snatch is completely out of your reach right now, you can use a dumbbell. The cap for this workout is 10 minutes.




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