WOD August 25, 2014 (Monday)

Thanks to everyone that participated in today’s Olympic Weightlifting class with Max Aita. I’m looking forward to seeing a lot of you join the Sunday class in the future. It doesn’t matter if you’re a competitor or just a casual CrossFitter, Max has the knowledge to make you BETTER! Please let me know if you have any questions about the Sunday class with Max. Here’s the workout for Monday, August 25 2014:

Tier 1
5×3 Back Squat

12 Box Pistols (6 per leg)
40 Single Ropes

*Complete the following for time:
100m Run
5 Clean & Jerks
100m Run
10 Clean & Jerks
100m Run
15 Clean & Jerks
30 Knees to Elbow

Tier 2
Back Squat – 5@ 70%, 3@ 75%, 2@ 80%, 3×1@ 85%

12 Band Pistols (6 per leg)
20 Double Unders

*Complete the following for time:
100m Run
5 Clean & Jerks
100m Run
10 Clean & Jerks
100m Run
15 Clean & Jerks
40 Toes to Bar

Tier 3
Back Squat – 5@ 70%, 3@ 75%, 2@ 80%, 3×1@ 85%

12 Pistols (6 per leg)
20 Double Unders

*Complete the following for time:
100m Run
5 Clean & Jerks
100m Run
10 Clean & Jerks
100m Run
15 Clean & Jerks
50 Toes to Bar


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