WOD August 24, 2016 (Wednesday)

Tabatas air squats score is highest round

EMOM 12 mins. Alternating
1 rope climb
2 power cleans at 75-80% of your max. Please warm up sufficiently.

AMRAP 5 mins.
10 thrusters 75/115 Rx
10 toes to bar (T2B)
Rest 2 min.

AMRAP 5 mins.

10 thrusters and 10 lateral burpee over bar. 65/95 Rx
Use plates that you can remove easily for the weight change.
Your goal is to maintain the same number of rounds on both AMRAP’s, ideally you want to get more rounds on the second AMRAP, we are looking to increase work capacity over varying loads and time domains.


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