WOD August 20, 2014 (Wednesday)

Good job to everyone that finished today’s workout under the cap. Here’s a special “I apologize” to the 4pm class, since I turned off the WOD clock before most of you ran back in. Here’s the workout for Wednesday, August 20 2014 (12 min cap)

Tier 1
5 x 2 Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat
(pick a challenge weight and use the same weight for all 5 sets)
*Complete the following for time. 5 rounds of:
8 Deadlifts
6 Burpees
4 Front Squats
2 Push Press
(pick weight)

Tier 2
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat
3@ 60%, 3@ 70%, 2@ 80%, 1@ 85%, 1@ 90%
*Complete the following for time. 5 rounds of:
8 Deadlifts
6 Burpees
4 Front Squats
2 Push Press

Tier 3
Snatch (full snatch)
3@ 60%, 3@ 70%, 2@ 80%, 1@ 85%, 1@ 90%
*Complete the following for time. 5 rounds of:
8 Deadlifts
6 Burpees
4 Front Squats
2 Push Press
***Immediately after you call time, step to the other side of the gym and complete 100 double unders OR 100 double under attempts.


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