WOD August 19, 2014 (Tuesday)

Sorry for the late post One Worlders! Here’s the workout for Tuesday, August 19 2014
There’s no mud involved but we are definitely RUNNING! Good Luck

Tier 1, 2, and 3

Warm Up
Skill (coach’s choice)

*Complete the following for time:
50m Run
100m Run
200m Run
300m Run
400m Run
500m Run
50m Run

(2 Minute Rest)
50m Run
100m Run
200m Run
300m Run
400m Run
500m Run
50m Run

(2 Minute Rest)
50m Run
100m Run
200m Run
300m Run
400m Run
500m Run
50m Run

You will always start at zero and return to zero, before you advance to the next distance. This is a total of 3 miles, the cap is 26 minutes. Your score is the time you finish (rest included) or the distance you complete in 26 minutes.


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