WOD August 11, 2018 (Saturday)

Hero WOD: Sanman

8 Rounds for Time

  • 13 Deadlifts (185/125 lb)
  • 17 Wall Balls (20/14 lb)
  • 400 meter Run

In summer 2018, a rescue mission in the treacherous confines of a flooded Tham Luang cave complex in Thailand saved all 12 boys and their soccer coach who were trapped deep within. It ended a grueling, 18-day ordeal that claimed the life of an experienced volunteer diver, former Thai Navy SEAL, Saman Kunan.

On Friday, July 6, 2018, Saman, 38, lost consciousness from a lack of oxygen on his way out of the Tham Luang cave complex after delivering supplies to the missing group.

Coaches at Crossfit Chiang Mai created this “Saman” hero WOD in his honor. The workout explained is:

  • 8 rounds because the kids were 3.2 km inside the cave 400m x 8 = 3.2 km
  • 13 for the boys and their coach
  • 17 for the how long they were trapped inside the cave


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