“That’s My Best Friend”

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Metcon (Time)

For Time (with a Partner)

60 Pull-Ups

60 Wall Balls (20/14)

60 Ab Mat Sit-Ups

120 American Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

Perform every two minutes:

10 Synchronized Burpees

With a running clock, as fast as possible perform the prescribed work in the order written with a partner. Athletes can break up the reps in any way they’d like. Athletes can work at the same time. Each partner does not have to complete the same number of reps. For example, partners could split up the work evenly: 10 Pull-Ups each, 15 Wall Balls each, 20 Sit-Ups each, and 20 Kettlebell Swings each. Partners can also divide the work based on their strengths and weaknesses and not worry about the work being split evenly. Every 2 minutes, on the minute, both partners must stop and complete 10 synchronized Burpees before continuing.

Score is the time on the clock when the last rep of Kettlebell Swings is completed.

Tips and Strategy

If the objective is to get the fastest time possible, then the reps should be divided based on strengths and weaknesses rather than an even split. If the objective is to get a balanced workout, then the reps should be split evenly between the two athletes regardless of movement proficiency. Regardless of the strategy employed, the Burpees must be done very quickly—at an almost sprint-like pace. If the Burpees are performed at a moderate pace, this workout will take significantly longer than it should, and will consist of an excessive number of Burpees.

Intended Stimulus

This is a fast-paced partner workout. Since both partners can work at the same time, athletes can fly through reps very quickly. Reps should be performed with a sense of urgency so that athletes can perform as few Burpees as possible. The faster the partners get through the WOD, the fewer times they’ll need to pay the Burpee bank. At the end of this workout, athletes should feel like they just PR’d their mile-run time—breathless, sweaty, and invigorated


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