I’d like to wish all of you good luck during tomorrow’s Saturday workout. I’m competing in Fresno but I will definitely be thinking about you and I will glue my eyes to your team scores, once I’m back. Tomorrow’s workout will allow you and your partner to do the best you can with the weight YOU choose. For the more experienced members I will be looking for a certain score/weight from you, one that lets me know you challenged yourself. For the less experienced members, this is the time to get comfortable in your own skin. Ask a lot of questions and only pick a weight that you are comfortable with. Have a lot of fun!!!
Workout 1 – AMRAP 12 Minutes
300m Run
30 KB Swings
30 Pull Ups
*Both partners run 300m together, you must share the reps for the swings and the pull ups. Only one person can work at a time, which means you should sprint through the movements, since there will be time to rest. Your team score is total rounds + reps and the weight you choose. No more than 2 kettlebells on the floor per team (no exceptions). Green and Blue bands can be used for the pull ups.
Workout 2 – Against a 6 Minute Clock
BUY-IN: 100 Wall Balls
After completing 100 wall balls, complete as many Barbell Thrusters as possible!
*Both partners must participate in the wall balls and the barbell thrusters. Once your buy-in is completed, the scoring will start. Your team score is total barbell thrusters AND the weight you choose. During the barbell thrusters, the barbell must NEVER touch the ground.
Workout 3 – Against a 12 Minute Clock
Find a 1 Rep Max Snatch (full snatch) and Row Max Calories
*Both partners must attempt the 1rm Snatch and row for max calories. You can only use 1 barbell per team (men’s or women’s) and your team score is the total amount of snatch pounds lifted + the total amount of calories rowed.
TEAM WOD December 6, 2014 (Saturday)
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