CrossFit One World – CrossFit
A: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP (with a Partner) in 15 minutes
6 Burpees
10 calorie Row
3 Right-Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean-and-Jerks (50/35 lb)
3 Left-Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean-and-Jerks (50/35 lb)
Partners switch after each full round.
One partner works at a time. Partner 1 completes a round, then Partner 2 completes a full round, then switch again. Continue in this way for the full 15 minutes.
B: Metcon (Time)
For Time-
Partner 1-
8 Thrusters (95/65)
8 Bar Facing Burpees
Partner 2
Max Cal Row
Accumulate 200 calories as fast as possible