CrossFit One World – CrossFit
12 Min EMOM
Pick a Progression
Odd Pull up/ Muscle Up Progression
Even HSPU Progression
Odd: Muscle-ups
Odd: Bar Muscle-ups
Odd: Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups
Odd: Pull-ups
Odd: Ring Rows
Odd: Banded Strict Pull Ups
Choose a Band that you can use and remember the band thickness and how much assistance on the pull ups. and try to remember to get a thinner band as the it gets easier
Odd: Bent Over Row
Even: Strict Handstand Pushups
Even: Handstand Push-ups
Even: Floor Press
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 Min AMRAP
2 Wall Walk (Increase by 2 every round.)
30 Double Under
25 Sit Ups
20 Air Squat