Schedule Update: Sept 2, 2014 (Tuesday)

What’s up everyone!

I hope you enjoyed spending time with family and friends today. Due to the short schedule this week, we will have classes scheduled Tuesday September 2 (full schedule), Wednesday September 3 (full schedule and Thursday September 4 (full schedule).

Friday September 5 there will only be 2 classes on the schedule, 6:30am and 12:00pm!

The paint crew will arrive early Friday afternoon to prepare the gym for the new paint (crossfit, jiu-jitsu, krav maga). The functional fitness rig will be installed early Friday evening. Both crews have asked for us to have the gym as empty as possible, so they can work comfortably.

Saturday September 6 is the day of the One World Picnic. If you and your family have plans to attend the picnic (CrossFit, Boot Camp, Krav Maga, Jiu-Jitsu), please put your name on the sign up sheet at the front desk. The gym needs a headcount, so the proper amount of supplies and food will be purchased.

Cesar Vidona (4pm/5pm class) is going to bring a JUMPER for the kids. The jumper will act as a free babysitter for most of the parents, lol.



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