Rock the Wod with Ejijah Muhammad!

CrossFit Games Top 20 Athlete, Elijah Muhammad is bringing LIFT HEAVY OFTEN, a 2-Day event to CrossFit One World!

FRIDAY March 25, 2016 – ROCK THE WOD
In the final WOD of the 2016 CrossFit Open, Games Athlete, Elijah Muhammad is going to “ROCK THE WOD” in a head to head exhibition against NORTHERN CALIFORNIA CrossFitters. Is your training up to par? Are you ready to test your strength & skill against one of CrossFit’s TOP 20 Athletes? Podium Prizes available to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers.

Open WOD with EZ Muhammad – Limited to 12 Athletes
Open WOD with EZ Muhammad – Spectators 10.00 at the door

Up to 30 athletes will hear Elijah Muhammad’s philosophy on Olympic Weightlifting, Mental Stability, Competition, Squat Technique and Programming. All participants will lift HEAVY! Seminar starts at 9:00am

OLY Seminar with EZ Muhammad – 80.00
Limited to 30 athletes. To reserve your bar and plates, please email:

This event will sell out.


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