Patriot Games Race

Hey Oneworlders! 

If anyone is interested in this “Grid league” type of competition, please let me know soon. It’s on December 6 2014 in Fresno California. Here are the workouts

“The Patriot Games Races” Teams of 8 (4 men/4 women)

Race 1:

10 DB shoulder to overhead 75lbs
10 Sandbag to bar 18 lbs
3 legless rope climbs
KB overhead walking lunge 53lbs
20 chest 2 bar pull ups
6 HSPU 5″ deficit
5 Snatches at 225lbs

Race 2:
28 Hang Snatch 205/140

Race 3:
18 Wallballs 20lbs at 12′ target
15 overhead squats at 180lbs
12 DB Hang Snatch at 2 X 45lbs
Handstand walk
9 Bar Muscle ups
90 Double Unders
9 Burpees to rings 8 feet (change)
9 Clean & Jerks at 225lbs.
(Time changed from 8 min to 10 min)

Race 4:
Power clean + hang clean
16 barbells 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135, 150, 165, 180, 195, 210, 225, 240, 255, 270, 280 – with Lyn C Coronado and 8 others.


Check out all the details at their website:


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