Open 16.5 Wes Piatt Vs Elijah Muhammad at One World!

CrossFit Games Top 20 Athlete, Elijah Muhammad is bringing LIFT HEAVY OFTEN, a 2-Day event to CrossFit One World!

Friday March 25, 2016
Open WOD 16.5 @ CrossFit One World, Union City
6pm, Spectators are free!

Competitors Include:
Games Athlete Elijah Muhammad
Games Athlete Wes Piatt
Regional Athlete Josh Phillips
Regional Athlete Tyler Cummings
Regional Athlete Dusty Sulon
Regional Athlete Mike Morales
Regional Athlete Shaun Eagen
NorCal Athlete Michael Olivas

Up to 30 athletes will hear Elijah Muhammad’s philosophy on Olympic Weightlifting, Mental Stability, Competition, Squat Technique and Programming. All participants will lift HEAVY! Seminar starts at 9:00am

OLY Seminar with EZ Muhammad – 80.00
Limited to 30 athletes. To reserve your bar and plates, please email:

This event will sell out.


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