One World Krav Maga and Crossfit Kids!

One World Kids

Fun, Fitness & Self Defense

Starting Monday, February 22

One World Facility
33415 Western Ave
Union City, Ca 94587

Because the future of fitness is in the ones we love the most. Our children deserve a legitimate opportunity to build a foundation that includes confidence, self awareness, self control, leadership, communication, strength, friendships and pure fun & fitness.

*Kids 8 to 13 years of age will meet Monday – Friday at 5pm. Each class is 50 minutes.
*Monday, Wednesday, Friday will consist of Krav Maga Self Defense and “real life” hand/eye combat coordination.

*Tuesday, Thursday will consist of the basic principles of human movement, group training, safety, core stability, technique and BURPEESSSSSS!

All parents please note, the One World Kids program will be treated as an additional charge to your current monthly membership.


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