Olympic Weightfting Seminar

Perfect your Olympic Weightlifting Snatch Technique and help support our Youth Weightlifting Team’s Trip to train in China this summer!

The one and only @coachpapayats will be hosting a weightlifting seminar you don’t want to miss!

Discover what Chinese coaches do differently!
–Learn Chinese methods and progressions for the snatch
–Receive physical and verbal cues to perfect your technique
–Address weak points with specific stretches, assistance exercises, and programming principles

Work with world level coach Yatsek (Papayats) and assistant coach Eddie Zhang
–All levels of experience welcome
–All proceeds go towards sending the youth weightlifting team to train in China this summer.

WHEN: June 2nd 10:30 am to 1:30 pm
WHERE: One World Self Defense and Fitness – One World Barbell Club
ADDRESS: 33415 Western Avenue, Union City CA 94587
(510) 324-8153

COST: $75 for members of Crossfit One World, $100 non-members.
REGISTRATION: Class is limited to 20 lifters. Register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/chinese-snatch-technique-seminar-fundraiser-tickets-46308518024

Email yats@coachpapayats.com or info@oneworldsdf.com if interested.


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