CrossFit One World – CrossFit
10 Min E2MOM
Complete a Snatch Complex @ 70%-75% Of 1RM Snacth
Level-Snatch Complex
Snatch Grip Deadlift
Hang Power Snatch
Snatch Balance
Overhead Squat
Metcon (Time)
20 Rounds for Time
10 American Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
5 Kettlebell Goblet Squats
3 Push-Ups
With a running clock, as fast as possible complete the prescribed work in the order written for 20 rounds.
Score is the time on the clock when the last round of the Push-Ups is completed.
Intended Stimulus
This little workout covers all the basic human movements and has the odd ability to always allow “one more round.” Simply try this for five rounds the first time and you’ll find that you have, by itself, an appropriate, repeatable, all-round workout. If you can handle the volume, 20 rounds equals 200 swings, 100 squats, and 60 push-ups and is a respectable workout.